Three Ways to Tell You’re in Las Vegas
Some day, you might wake up, maybe after partying a little too hard, and you might not immediately realize where you are. Here are three easy ways to instantly tell if you’re in Las Vegas.
1. It’s the Wigs
Other cities have bachelorette parties, probably, but bachelorette parties in Las Vegas can get truly, off-the-chart weird. Insider tip: If you see a bachelorette party approaching in Las Vegas, do not make direct eye contact, otherwise the encounter may result in stories even your closest friends won’t believe.

2. It’s the Urinal Art
It’s estimated that eight out of 10 Las Vegas restrooms have some sort of irreverent wall art in them. Related: You also know you’re in Las Vegas if your restroom has a piece of the Berlin Wall in it.

3. It’s the OMFG
If you go to a restaurant, and you’re 800 feet up, and you see the sign below, you know damn well you can only be in Las Vegas.

Yes, people jump off of perfectly good buildings.
So, what’s the one thing that lets you know you’re in Las Vegas?
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