Six New Things at the Zombie Apocalypse Store
First things first. Yes, Las Vegas has a Zombie Apocalypse Store. It’s awesome. It’s a store devoted entirely to the inevitable zombie invasion that lies before us, and it’s just five minutes from The Strip.

The store boasts a vast collection of survival gear and all-things-zombie. So, when the “walkers” show up, you’ll be ready! Here’s a look at six new things at the Zombie Apocalypse Store since our last visit.
1. Zombie Incinerator
This fun diversion lets you torch a zombie for a buck, complete with a video monitor, sound effects and smoke that emanates from the zombie quarantine chamber.

2. Pink Machetes
Just because you’re being terrorized by the undead doesn’t mean you can’t be fashionable while you’re fending them off. Bonus: Also useful as a timeshare salesperson deterrent.

3. 3-D Zombie Photo Studio
The Zombie Apocalypse Store has a fancy new photo studio, complete with a green screen, costumes and props (like swords and guns, naturally).

The resulting 3-D photos are pretty freaky. At $25 a pop, they’ll take a bite out of your wallet (see what we did there?), but money will have no value when we’re fighting off the zombie hordes, so live a little.

4. Zombie Beater T-Shirt
We’re pretty sure this tee isn’t PC, but we don’t make up the news, we just report it.

5. Zombie Shooting Gallery
This arcade-style shooting gallery seems a natural for the Zombie Apocalypse Store. Time to take out some “geeks.”

6. Twinkies Dispenser
It’s a great way to end any visit to the Zombie Apocalypse Store, while serving as a reminder to enjoy the little things in life while we still can.

Find out more about the offbeat Zombie Apocalypse Store Las Vegas.
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