Downtown Las Vegas Welcome Archway Has Legs
Construction of the downtown Las Vegas welcome archway is underway and we’ve got all the latest scoop. Along with some sweet-ass pics, of course. Do you know this blog at all?
The archway is slated for completion on August 28, 2020.
Here’s a look at this sparkly new photo op being built downtown.

The archway will extend from one side of Las Vegas Boulevard to the other, basically at the foot of The Strat. The cross streets are E. St. Louis Ave. and W. Bob Stupak Ave.
The City of Las Vegas will pony up about $6.5 million to build the illuminated archway.

Here’s our photo from the same general perspective for comparison purposes.

Watch us talking about the arch on the local news when it was originally announced in May 2018.
We were all so much younger and unsoiled a year ago, weren’t we? Well, at least we were all younger.

The archway is being built east to west by Las Vegas’ go-to sign company, YESCO.
The bases of the 80-foot archway, on the Strat side, are substantial.

When complete, the archway will feature the City of Las Vegas logo. Interestingly, the logo being used was abandoned by the City for official uses in August 2017, because some found the logo confusing because it was seemed to convey “fun” and “a classic vibe” and “visual interest” and “you know, all that crap Vegas is supposed to be about.”
Anyway, the ditched logo will be back in a big way.

The archway joins another “welcome to downtown Vegas” photo op a couple of blocks away.
That display, unveiled in August 2018, cost about $400,000 and features dice, poker chips, a roulette table and showgirls.

The welcome sign and arch grew out of a need for a new way to welcome visitors when downtown’s original sign (a replica of the iconic “Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas” sign near Mandalay Bay) was destroyed when an asshat crashed into it with his truck in July 2016.
All due respect to asses, hats and trucks.

You know we’ll be keeping an eye on the construction of the new downtown welcome archway. We’re always up for some new bling or whatever the kids are calling it now.
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