Circa Las Vegas Offers Bigass $10,000 Prize for Best Vegas Vickie Costume
Circa was gracious enough to confirm out scoop the resort will offer a bigass prize in a Halloween costume contest.
The downtown casino will give a $10,000 prize for dressing up like Vegas Vickie, the iconic neon sign that sits in the center of Circa.

Do we ever write stories about Halloween costume contests? Not really.
1) It’s a slow news day. 2) Did we mention this is Vegas Vickie? 3) Did we mention the prize is $10,000? 4) And did we mention we’re available to be a judge because cleavage?
The costume contest will feature an “esteemed panel of local celebrity judges,” so we’re definitely out.
The judges will “select the most creative and show-stopping Vegas Vickie lookalike.” Contestants are encouraged to “incorporate neon elements into their interpretation of this sassy blonde lady.”
Here, we’ll save you some time.
Vegas Vickie, of course, used to watch over Fremont Street, adorning the skeevy Glitter Gulch strip club. See photos, below.
Greg and Derek Stevens saved Vegas Vickie when Glitter Gulch was demolished to build Circa, and she was restored at great expense.

Local sign company YESCO did the restoration.
We did an interview with a YESCO rep, and confirmed exclusively Vegas Vickie was “enhanced” during the overhaul. Boobwise, in case that weren’t readily apparent.

Fun fact: Vegas Vickie has been married twice to her counterpart, Vegas Vic.
Vegas Vickie is 25 feet tall and 20 feet wide.
While Vickie’s leg originally kicked, but hadn’t done so for years before it was restored. Now, it kicks again.
Vegas Vickie is an absolute stunner, and a must-see photo op in Las Vegas.
Circa has made the most of Vegas Vickie, and she’s everywhere at the casino, as well as being in magnet form on our personal fridge.

One of the best views of Vegas Vickie is from the Vegas Vickie Lounge, mainly due to there being excellent cocktails in the vicinity.
Lots of people incorrectly referred to Vegas Vickie as Sassy Sally due to her proximity (about a block away) to that casino on Fremont Street at one time.
Vegas Vickie’s name has been spelled a variety of ways, including Vicki and Vicky, but we put a stop to that when we corrected it in Wikipedia.

“Vegas Vicki” was originally a hostess position in the Pioneer Club, back when Vegas was both rootin’ and tootin.’
So, this has all pretty much been a excuse to talk about Vegas Vickie, because we visit Circa fairly frequently and she wows us every time we’re there.
We’d go for the $10,000 costume contest prize, but we hate having to shave, and that goes double for our legs.
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