Circa Awards $11 Million to Pro Football Contest Winners
So, we aren’t a sports person.
We are, however, a fan of big-ass, million-dollar prizes.
Circa Las Vegas delivered a bunch of million-dollar-plus prizes to winners of its pro football contests (more than $11 million in total), so we’re damned well going to write about it despite the fact we don’t really have any clue what we’re writing about. So, pretty much like everything else in this blog.

So, apparently, Circa hosted two football contests, one called “Circa Survivor” and the other called “Circa Million III.” The contests ended Jan. 9, 2022.
Circa Survivor is billed as “the largest legal football survivor contest in the world.”
Five winners of the Circa Survivor contest won a collective $7 million. For picking the winners of football games. We are not making this up.
The five big winners of the Circa Survivor contest were: Michael Sax, $1,533,333.35; “Return of Survivor” (an alias, probably), $1,533,333.35; Billy
Chippas, $1,533,333.35; Marc Perlman, $1.2 million and Chris Piper, $1.2 million.
Here’s how the Circa Survivor contest works. We’re cutting and pasting from the news release so we don’t screw it up: “The winners of Circa Survivor each lasted 20 legs of the football season, including Thanksgiving and Christmas day. This entailed choosing one different team to win straight up each week, but the player could not pick the same team twice for the duration of the season. The five winners ended up going 20-0-0, which was a two-game increase from last year’s contest.”
We’d explain what that means, but honestly, we only understood the conjunctions.

There was also a million-dollar winner in the Circa Million III contest, Tony Gordon.
Here’s how that one works: “During Circa Million III, each player made five professional football picks against the spread each week. One point was awarded for each correct selection and one-half point for each push. A collective $4 million in payouts were awarded, including a $100,000 booby prize for last place in the full season.”
Bonus points for the inclusion of the word “booby” in the news release, Circa.
It cost $1,000 to enter either of the contests from what we remember.
We thought about entering these football contests, using our patented “dartboard strategy,” but we were discouraged from doing so by people who actually understand sports and football contests.
Personally, we think football contests are really just an excuse for grown men to hug. Dudes, you don’t need an excuse. Just hug, already. It’s OK. Science has shown
non-sexual touching contributes to greater wellbeing!
Hugging reduces stress, heart rate and blood pressure, it also reduces the level of cortisol.
Big, lingering hugs to all the winners of these contests!
Sports may not be for everyone, but the people who enjoy them seem to really, really enjoy them.
Apparently, Circa didn’t lose money on the deal, as they will announce details of their 2022-2023 football contests this summer. Find out more at the Circa Sports Web site, and watch for our Tweets on the Twitter wall at the Circa sportsbook, because they’re awesome and we’re not just saying that so they’ll keep our Tweets on the Twitter wall at the Circa sportsbook.
Go, sports! And hugs!
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