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Essential Las Vegas News, Tips, Deals and WTF.Mon, 01 Feb 2021 20:01:30 +0000
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By: Scott Roeben
Mon, 01 Feb 2021 20:01:30 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-241877In reply to Ferry.
Great question. “)
By: Ferry
Mon, 01 Feb 2021 07:57:54 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-241679Why do you have to enter your reom number yourself? Surely Caesars knows what room number they checked you in to?
By: Jackson
Fri, 29 Jan 2021 15:46:19 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240764In reply to Bob.
No, Bob. It’s not a phone app that casinos use to “track” guests…it’s the player’s cards.
Casinos can’t force a guest to gamble, so there’s zero benefit to knowing exactly where a single guest is on hotel property
By: Grish
Fri, 29 Jan 2021 04:10:55 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240583The Caesars app lists your hotel and room number and other information on the Home Screen once you check in! Also very handy!
By: Michael Alexakis
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 17:14:17 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240409Three decades ago I took my then best friend to Las Vegas for his first trip, you know it was a long time ago because we stayed at THE hipster joint of that time, The Tropicana… I was teaching him video poker when he nudged me and said “hey check out these chicks checking me out”, I looked up and burst his bubble by saying “dude they are working”. He took great umbrage, he declared himself a great find, how dare I question his obvious magnetism… The next thirty seconds included 27 winks, nods, and gyrations. Finally he said “OK, they are working”…
By: Johnny
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 16:44:42 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240400I think it’s a great idea. Im from here and have found it very difficult to find that special someone when I need her and in a hurry. Their prices are damn ridiculous but hey…I love it
By: Michael Alexakis
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:22:12 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240378Escorts are having a rough go in the pandemic, male and female I am told, escorts deserve a little technological boost, this will help them spring into action… I really like the term “escorts”, it implies a sense of togetherness, cumaraderie I mean camaraderie… Sometimes “escorts” just does not carry the weight of other more colorful terms, take for instance the hallway connecting the Delano hotel from the Mandalay Bay casino, it happens to be a ripe area, filled with potential employers/employee’s. My brother and I call it “Hooker Hallway”, it has a nice ring to it… Maybe if they add enough water we can call it “Escort Estuary”, but I digress…
By: Elaine McGrew
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 04:38:53 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240196I just take a pic of my room number with my phone. Easy peasy
By: Bob
Thu, 28 Jan 2021 02:19:07 +0000https://www.superbonne.com/vitalvegas/?p=26425#comment-240166First of all thanks for all the great content. I really enjoy this site
Now for the critique. The new find my room feature of the caesars app is just a way to track you while in vegas. Since it’s an app you installed and allow it to know your location …….. think a little here they did not do this for the drunks and escorts they did it to see where you go when you should have been in their casino gambling your life away