Bellagio Conservatory’s Fall Display is Blooming Beautiful
Of all the free things to do and see in Las Vegas, the unveiling of the seasonal displays at the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens at Bellagio are easily among the most anticipated, and fragrant.

The Bellagio recently switched over to its fall motif, and we’ve got more photos than any human could ever need or want.

While some Las Vegas hotels have chosen to pare away their free attractions (like the “Show in the Sky” at Rio), the Bellagio has stayed true to its mission of keeping the Conservatory a place where visitors can see horticultural wonders on a grand scale.

It takes 140 horticulturalists to design and build the Conservatory’s massive displays, and the attention to detail is truly something to behold. The Bellagio’s attraction changes for the holidays, Chinese New Year, spring, summer and fall.
The fall display has some old favorites, like a talking tree. It not only talks, but its eyes move, which is only creepy for a minute.

Speaking of leaves, there are massive glass ones hanging from the ceiling.

The exhibit also features “Fantasy Trees” (see below). These 25-foot-tall trees are made by hand from 400,000 feet of willow “withies,” the same material often used to make baskets.

As always, the flowers in the Bellagio’s fall display are plentiful and stunning. Make sure to stop by the hotel’s Benadryl vending machine. Which probably doesn’t actually exist.
One of the more striking flower varieties are the Celosia. These edible flowers, pictured below, are members of the amaranth family. Celosia’s name comes from the Greek word for “burned,” referring to the flower’s flame-like shape. While edible, please don’t eat the display. The Bellagio has a perfectly good buffet.

The Conservatory offers live entertainment, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. each day, in the form of a harp player. When not in use, the harp is covered.

When you’re in Las Vegas, it’s important to always make sure your instrument is covered. You wouldn’t want to contract harpies. (We’ll be here all week.)
A striking element of the new display is an “Ent.” Ents, derived from the word “giant,” are mythical creatures, and the Bellagio’s is 10 feet tall, hand-crafted from paper mache and other organic materials. Just don’t call him a “stalker.”

A focal point of the fall display is a life-size mill, complete with a working water wheel.

Much of the Bellagio’s fall display will be familiar to Las Vegas regulars, but that doesn’t make them any less impressive.
You might say this free attraction grows on you! (Well, you might say that, if you never want to be invited to parties.)

Enjoy more photos from the Conservatory & Botanical Gardens at Bellagio in our exclusive gallery.
Bellagio Conservatory Fall 2013
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