Rumor: WrestleMania Returning to Las Vegas
We honestly didn’t know how much interest there is in WrestleMania (or wrestling in general) until we shared a rumor about WrestleMania possibly returning to Las Vegas.
Hint: There is a lot of interest in WrestleMania. Despite the sport of pro wrestling requiring quotation marks around the word “sport,” and possibly “wrestling.”
Anyway, we’ve been told Las Vegas is set to host WrestleMania. If true, it would be the first time since 1993.

We are not a wrestling person, but we do not begrudge people their indulgences. We are a Las Vegas blog, after all.
Here’s the Tweet that caused online communities of wrestling fans to become fully engorged and atwitter. Which was a thing long before Twitter, or X, or whatever you’re calling it now.
Early word: WrestleMania is coming back to Las Vegas, announcement anticipated soon. This will be the first WrestleMania in Las Vegas since IX in 1993 at Caesars Palace. They had some sort of news conference in Vegas yesterday for XL, to be held in Philadelphia.
— Vital Vegas (@VitalVegas) February 10, 2024
That’s the whole rumor. Our sources says the announcement will happen soon, so fans will have to wait to see this rumor confirmed. Or not. In the realm of rumors, sports or otherwise, it’s best to not become attached to any particular outcome.
WrestleMania is sort of the Super Bowl of wrestling. Not the real wrestling, the other kind. You’ve never heard of the stars of actual wrestling, like Mijain Lopez, of Cuba, winner of four Olympic medals in wrestling.
You do, however, know the names of many stars of pro wrestling. We sort of just know the one guy, The Rock, because he’s been in movies.
The Rock and others did some sort of kick-off for WrestleMania 40, and the kick-off was held in Las Vegas. WrestleMania 40 takes place Apr. 6-7, 2024 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Apparently, The Rock took a heel turn, which is a thing in pro wrestling. Heels are bad guys. Everyone loves The Rock, but he’s pretending to be disliked to add some drama to a sport where the outcomes are scripted. Hope that helps.
The reality is The Rock doesn’t need to wrestle anymore, but he is not going to waste all that time in the gym on “Fast and Furious” retreads.

Anyway, our cavalcade of Super Bowl scoop recently has tested the limits of our sports tolerance threshold, so that’s it on WrestleMania. The event’s return to Las Vegas hasn’t been officially confirmed yet, but rest assured, when it is, we’ll be crowing about it like Kurt Angle bragging about his 2001 victory over The Rattlesnake.
The crap we force ourselves to wade through for you.
Update (4/20/24): Someone who plays the “Undertaker” in the WWE universe heard WrestleMania could be “in Las Vegas next year.”
We do not know what an “Undertaker” is, but thanks for confirming our scoop, probably. Archive:
— Vital Vegas (@VitalVegas) April 20, 2024
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