In this study, we asked participants to rate their job satisfaction from 0 to 5. From this, we were able to determine a national job satisfaction score and use this as a benchmark for the state analysis. We will provide more information on our methodology at the bottom of this article, but for now, keep reading to see the results.
The average job satisfaction score across all study participants was 3.3 out of 5 – within the ‘my job is OK’ range. Unfortunately, there are several states that fell below this benchmark, with residents reporting lower-than-average job satisfaction levels.
(click the below image for a bigger version)
Arkansas (2.1), Mississippi (2.3), Hawaii (2.5), Maine (2.6), Oklahoma (2.7), Nebraska (2.7), Indiana (2.8), and Pennsylvania (2.9) are among the states with the lowest levels of job satisfaction, falling below the national average. Nevada, Missouri, Louisiana, Georgia, and Virginia residents all averaged 3.3, the exact same as the national score.
On a more positive note, there are many states that have a job satisfaction score above the national average. Maryland (3.9), Idaho (3.8), New Mexico (3.7), North Dakota (3.6), Utah (3.5), and Ohio (3.5) are some of the highest scorers. Other honorable mentions include California (3.4), Florida (3.4), New York (3.4), and Michigan (3.4).
Real estate workers are the most satisfied in the country, scoring 3.9 out of 5 on average, followed by construction workers at 3.6. The only other sectors scoring above the average are healthcare and hospitality.
The lowest scores came from those working in food service (2.8) and retail (2.8). Other low scorers include utilities (3.0), Government (3.1), business (3.1), and manufacturing (3.2).
Gen Z (1997-2012) are the least satisfied in their jobs, reporting an average score of 3.1. This is closely followed by millennials (1981-1996) who scored 3.2. Baby Boomers (1946-1964) have a job satisfaction score of 3.3, which is exactly in line with the national average. The only generation surveyed that reported above-average job satisfaction was Generation X (1965-1980) with a score of 3.4.
In May 2023, we conducted a nationwide survey through a data collection tool using a large representative sample. Respondents were aged between 18-65 and all reside within The United States. We asked the following questions:
We used the following scale for job satisfaction:
We used the average score of ALL participants to determine the national score. We then segmented by state to determine the state-level numbers. We took the answers from ‘which sector do you work in’ to calculate the satisfaction score by sector.
Note: The color scale on the map is indicative of which states fall above or below the national average.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media inquiries, please contact[at]
]]>Professional FIFA players can make significant amounts of money by participating in tournaments and landing sponsorship deals. It poses the question – can FIFA players earn more than professional soccer players? Our research shows that they can.
In this report, we closely examine the average earnings of professional soccer (or football, for our UK readers!) players in England, and compare it to the earnings of the top FIFA players. We also chat with Dan ‘Stingrayjnr’ Ray, a professional FIFA player for The England National Team, and one of the highest earners in 2022 according to
The top professional FIFA players earned an average of $105,000 from tournaments in 2022. This excludes any brand sponsorship deals, so the number could likely be even higher. It’s also worth considering that the best of the best earn considerably more – for example, Umut G��ltekin, the highest earner in 2022, took home over $300,000.
Premier League soccer players are the most elite in the sport, so it’s no surprise that the average salary is almost $3.6 million. This is significantly lower in The Championship at $551,000 and League One, at $458,000. League Two is the lowest of the four tiers of professional football in England, and the average player earns $89,000.
The conclusion? FIFA eSports players earn more than 25% of the professional soccer players in the UK. Their annual income is around 18% more, to be exact.
We caught up with Dan ‘Stingrayjnr’ Ray to discuss this recent salary analysis and how much work goes into maintaining a professional FIFA career. He explained that he has to play around 60 hours per week, which is split between training and taking part in tournaments. A lot of this time is over the weekend as that’s when most of the professionals are available to train with.
There is also a lot of effort that goes into keeping up with current playing styles on FIFA: “You have to constantly be adapting and changing the way you play to fit the current style, I wish that if you just had it, that was it, but there is so much work that goes into maintaining the level when you��re at the top”, Dan said.
When asked if he thinks that professional FIFA players could eventually earn more than the elite athletes in the sport, he said: “I think that the industry has the potential to continue growing and reach the heights of other sports. However, with the amount top athletes earn it would be a dream to even imagine being paid that much”
To recap, here are some of the key findings:
In May 2023, we analyzed data from Statista,, and to find the average earnings of professional soccer players across each English league. We then used to look at the average earnings of professional FIFA players in 2022. With this data, we were able to determine how much more eSports players earn than professional soccer players.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media inquiries, please contact[at]
Note: We also have this image available with GBP and ‘football’ instead of ‘soccer’ for a UK audience. Use the contact details above to request it.
]]>This study digs a little deeper into the popularity of BookTok and highlights the impact that it is having on readership across The United States and Canada. We surveyed 10,000 TikTok users and asked them a handful of simple questions, including whether or not they are reading more because of the BookTok trend. Those that said yes were also asked to put a percentage on just how much more they are reading.
Keep reading for a more in-depth breakdown and explanation of the findings in this report and more regional data.
Despite its flaws and bad press, it’s hard to ignore that TikTok has positively influenced reading and book sales through its #BookTok community. A 2022 Forbes article reported a 9% increase in book sales and highlighted TikTok and its influencers as being a driving force behind what’s been dubbed the revival of reading.
Our study revealed that 48% of TikTok users in The United States are actively reading more books because of their exposure to BookTok. This number was slightly higher with Canadians at 53%. What is maybe most surprising of all is exactly what this looks like in numbers, as reading ‘more’ can mean something very different from person to person. Americans reported a 60% increase in their reading activity, with Canadians reporting 58%. This means that a person reading an average of 12 books per year prior to BookTok is now reading 19.
For a more granular look into the influence of BookTok across the US and Canada, we also tracked survey responses by location. This has allowed us to pinpoint which regions have seen the largest increase in readership as a direct result of BookTok.
The conclusion? It’s happening everywhere. Every state or province we were able to collect data reported an uplift in reading among TikTok users. Some stand-out locations in the US include Maine, Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, and Kentucky, all over 60%. Over 50% of TikTok users in other states also reported more reading, including California, Nevada, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Illinois.
In Canada, Saskatchewan topped the charts at 63%, but 57% of TikTok users in Ontario, Quebec, and Alberta also stated they are reading more because of BookTok.
To recap, here are some of the key findings:
In May 2023, we surveyed 10,000 US and Canadian TikTok users between the ages of 18 and 45. We asked them whether they are reading more because of the BookTok community. If they answered yes, we then asked them how much more. We asked all respondents if they had ever read a book as a direct result of a BookTok recommendation. We also collected location data which allowed us to populate the increase in each state and province.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media inquiries, please contact[at]
]]>We wanted to take a look at where Americans would move to if all barriers were removed. Our survey of over 5,000 US residents asked a handful of simple questions, starting with which state they would prefer to live in outside of their own. We then asked if they would leave the US entirely, and if so, which country would be at the top of their relocation list.
This report summarizes the results of that survey, identifying the most desirable states in the US. It also breaks down how each state voted. Finally, the report also identifies the most sought-after countries for American expats. Keep reading for the full results.
The most desirable state to live in among Americans is California. The Golden State is home to some of the best beaches and national parks in the entire country. It’s multicultural, has great transport links to the rest of the world, and has mild winters, so it’s no surprise that 14% of Americans asked chose California as their dream destination.
In second place is another Western State. Over 9% of respondents said Colorado would be their state of choice to live in. The Centennial State has some of the most breathtaking scenery found not only in the US but in the world. Life in Colorado tends to come with plenty of outdoor activities, and the state is well-regarded as a great place to live.
On the other side of the country, and in a close third behind Colorado, is Florida. Of those surveyed, 9% said they’d move to the sunshine state with no hesitation. Good weather year-round, the cost of living, and beautiful beaches were cited as the main reasons.
In fourth and fifth place are Washington (5.8%) and New York (5.7%). Despite being on opposite sides of the country, both states offer some very similar benefits. Idyllic nature, plenty of outdoor activities, and a good quality of life can be found in both locations, and the difference in votes could come down to East or West Coast preference.
Other notable mentions in the rankings include Texas (4.9%), North Carolina (4%), Oregon (3.4%), and Arizona (2.7%).
Looking at the data on a more granular level, we were able to see how each state voted. For example, California was the top pick overall, but also the majority vote in much colder states like Alaska, Illinois, and Indiana.
Interestingly, two of the top states in the overall rankings voted for each other. New York residents would pick Florida as their next destination, and vice versa. In fact, there are many Americans willing to move cross-country in a bid for a better quality of life. Alabama and Michigan both choosing Colorado and North Dakota and Nebraska both choosing New York are prime examples of this.
There are plenty of residents in other states that wouldn’t want to move too far from home, including Louisiana, Mississippi, and Oklahoma, all of which voted for Texas as their preferred place to live. The same could be said for North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia, all of which selected Florida.
Going one step further than just switching states, we asked Americans if they would be willing to move out of the US and relocate to another country – 68% said yes. We wanted to know more, so we gave them the choice. The world was their oyster; they could have chosen from any of the 195 countries across the world.
The top answer? Canada – with over 16% of respondents choosing it as their first-choice country to move to. Canada is close enough to home that they don’t have to fly halfway across the world to visit. There is free healthcare for citizens and permanent residents, a lower crime rate than a lot of the US, and stunning nature and national parks. All of this appears to outweigh the high cost of living in some areas and the snowy winters in the mind of the Americans we surveyed.
In second place was The United Kingdom with 10.9%. The main reasons cited include the English language, the friendliness of the people, and the proximity to the rest of Europe. Japan is in third place, with 5.6% of Americans deciding that cleanliness, public transportation, and technological advancements make it a great alternative place to live. Italy (4.7%) and Australia (4.3%) were a close fourth and fifth.
Key Findings and Methodology:
In April 2023, we surveyed 5,000 US residents between the age of 21 and 65. We asked them which state they lived in, and which state they would move to if given the chance. We also asked if they would leave the US entirely, and if so, which country would they move to.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media inquiries, please contact?[at]
]]>In this study, we explore which US states have the angriest gamers. On the flip side, we also look at which states have the most chilled. The data has been collected through a survey of over 5,000 US gamers across all consoles and locations. We also look at some national findings on gaming anger.
Key Findings:
When asked to score their anger levels when gaming, residents of Oklahoma reported the highest numbers across the US. This was followed by Arkansas, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Louisiana. In fact, the large majority of the angriest gamers reside in the South, with the South East taking the crown.
The state with the lowest gaming anger levels was Idaho, followed by Delaware, North Carolina, Nevada, and Illinois. Gamers in these locations reported hardly ever experiencing anger when playing. The West and The North West regions are significantly more relaxed when it comes to controlling their gaming frustration.
Cross-platform rivalry is alive and well within the gaming community. But which type of gamers are the angriest? Our study finds that Xbox players experience the most gaming frustration, but only just, marginally beating PlayStation gamers. Those that game on mobile tend to do so for fun and don’t report anywhere near as much rage quitting.
The good news is that only 16% of Americans admit to breaking something out of gaming frustration. However, 40% claim to have sent an abusive message to an opponent after losing, with FIFA and Call of Duty players ranking the worst for such behavior.
In April 2023, we surveyed 5,000 MLB gamers. We asked them where they lived, and on a scale of 1-10, how angry they get when they play. We then used this data to identify the angriest (and least angry) states. We also asked other questions, including which console they play and whether or not they’ve ever broken something out of anger while gaming or sent abusive messages.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Featured Image Credit: The MLB imagery, logos, and assets are owned and copyrighted ? by Major League Baseball. They have been taken from and claims no ownership.
]]>With the new season of Major League Baseball underway, we figured there��s no better time than the present to revive the age-old debate: Which MLB team has the best fans? The problem with this question is bias. Ask a Cardinals fan, and they will tell you that the Cardinals have the best fan base. has surveyed over 5,000 MLB fans, and specifically asked, outside of your own, which other baseball team has the best and worst fan base? From this, we have been able to determine the most and least popular fans across the league.
The Chicago Cubs fans were chosen as the best by fans of 12 other teams (40%) in the league, including the Boston Red Sox, Kansas City Royals, Atlanta Braves, and New York Mets. Cubs fans are known for their loyalty and resilience after waiting over 100 years for a World Series win prior to the 2016 victory. So it��s no surprise that the main reason for selecting the Cubs fans was their team loyalty, closely followed by the atmosphere at Wrigley Field.
Only two teams selected the Cubs as being the worst fans, they were Chicago White Sox and St. Louis Cardinals. Interestingly, the Chicago Cubs fans actually selected the White Sox as the best fans, while the White Sox called them the worst – ouch.
There were 14 other fan bases (47%) that selected the New York Yankees as the worst fans. The most common reason? They are apparently spoiled and entitled. With 27 World Series Championships to their name, it��s easy to see why the New York Yankees are disliked among other fans. This probably isn��t helped by their history of paying top dollar for star players, seen by some as ��buying�� their success.
Only one team listed the Yankees as the best fan base; the San Diego Padres. Despite being over 2,700 miles apart, Padres fans say they appreciate the Yankees for their passion.
Fans of The Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Cardinals, Atlanta Braves, Seattle Mariners, and the Chicago White Sox were voted the best amongst other MLB fan bases. Cubs for loyalty, the Cardinals and White Sox for a great ballpark atmosphere, and the Braves and Mariners for their friendliness. The Seattle Mariners are the only West Coast team to be featured in this list.
On the flip side, fans of the New York Yankees, Boston Red Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, LA Dodgers, and Houston Astros were voted as the worst fans in the league. The Yankees for being spoiled, the Red Sox for a bad ballpark atmosphere, and the Phillies and the Dodgers for being unwelcoming. Finally, the Houston Astros are considered the worst fan base in the entire MLB, with most referencing their denial of the 2017 cheating scandal.
The MLB season is in full swing between April and November, and placing a bet on your favorite team can add to the excitement. Whether it’s a wager on which teams will make the playoffs, or the outright winner, you will need a reliable online sportsbook that takes MLB bets.
Our online betting site reviews look at a number of different things, including the welcome bonus, payout percentage, and markets available, to ensure our baseball readers are getting the most bang for their buck.
In April 2023, we surveyed 5,000 MLB fans. We asked them who their favorite team is, and then asked them to select their favorite and least favorite fans from other MLB teams. We compiled this report using the data from that survey.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media inquiries, please contact [email protected].
Featured Image Credit: The MLB imagery, logos, and assets are owned and copyrighted ? by Major League Baseball. They have been taken from and claims no ownership.
]]>Gambling is nothing new to Neymar, who is known to frequent poker tournaments and actually has some professional career earnings to his name. It’s also not the first time he’s streamed his online casino activity on Twitch either, but this is his biggest (and fastest) losing session that we know of.
In true Neymar fashion, the story isn’t just how much he lost, or how quickly he did it. What’s particularly interesting is his reaction. After pretending to cry to the theme tune of the Titanic, he can be seen laughing and playing the air flute with his hands.
Neymar’s earns over $3 million dollars per month with PSG. So losing 33% of your salary in an hour, regardless of how much it is, would probably be quite the shock. But the superstar forward earns significantly more than this with other deals and endorsements, which might explain the carefree reaction. Plus, it’s a lot less than the $2bn Drake reportedly spent within 2 months.
Due to an ankle injury, Neymar is expected to be out of action for the rest of the soccer season. Something tells me this isn’t the last we’ll hear of his gambling antics this year.
Neymar makes no secret of enjoying a flutter. What��s perhaps less known is that the football star is actually a professional poker player. He��s earned over $100,000 in winnings, and has even taken part in The World Series of Poker.
You��ll often find Neymar streaming his hands as he plays at online poker sites and might decide to have a go yourself. But don��t be fooled, remember that Neymar is a professional, and it��s not as easy as it looks. Before you jump in, we recommend taking a look at our beginners guide to poker.
]]>Our research showed that Monopoly is still the most-loved board game despite being almost 100 years old. It was the clear winner in several provinces, including Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, and Ontario. Monopoly was created in in 1935, and it continues to be a favourite among players of all ages. Its popularity is likely due to its simple rules, competitive nature, and being suitable for all ages.
In Manitoba, Scrabble took the top spot as the favourite board game. Scrabble has been a favourite since 1938, and with the rise of word games on smartphones and tablets, Scrabble has remained a popular choice.
In New Brunswick, The Game of Life is the most popular board game. This classic game has been around since 1960, and it allows players to experience the ups and downs of life as they move through the board. The Game of Life was also the top pick in Yukon.
The Game of Life has been a favourite for families and groups of friends, and its popularity is likely due to its ability to bring people together.
Nova Scotia’s favourite board game is Catan, a strategic game that has gained a cult following since its release in 1995. Catan is a game of resource management and strategy, and its popularity in Nova Scotia may be due to the province’s love of outdoor activities and exploration. Catan is also the favourite board game of residents on Prince Edward Island.
Saskatchewan’s favourite board game was Uno, a fast-paced card game that has been a favourite for families and friends since its creation in 1971.
It’s no secret that the increase in popularity of smart phones, streaming, and other technological advancements has reduced the popularity of traditional board games. In addition to determining the favourite game by province, we also surveyed residents to find out how often they play board games. Using this information, we were able to outline which parts of Canada still frequently enjoys the humble board game, and which doesn’t.
The province with the most active board game players was Alberta, where a large percentage of respondents reported playing board games on a regular basis. Newfoundland and Labrador was in second, and Ontario in third, with a significant portion of residents reporting that they played board games every couple of months.
Quebec, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon were further down the list in mid-table, admittedly only enjoying a board game a couple of times per year. On the other end of the spectrum, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick were the provinces with the lowest percentage of active board game players. These regions said they only play board games once per year, usually during the Christmas holidays.
Board games aren��t the only type of game Canadians enjoy. The popularity of online?casino games in Canada?has boomed ever since online gambling became legal in Ontario in 2022.
Table games like Blackjack and Roulette are favorites with Canadian gamblers, but slots are becoming increasingly popular. Some of the hottest titles in Ontario and beyond include Buffalo from Aristocrat and Cleopatra from IGT. These games (and more) can be played at online casinos in Canada for real money or just for fun.
In March 2023, we surveyed 3,000 Canadian residents and asked their location, their favourite board game, and how often they play. We compiled this report using the data from that survey.
You are free to use any of the information in this report, including the supporting imagery. When doing so, please link back to this article as your source. For media enquiries, please contact [email protected].
Note: There are some Canadian provinces and territories that we did not collect enough data from, and so have been excluded from this report.
Main image photo credit:
]]>At, we��re suckers for data, but Golf is a sport of many variables with a lot of data points. We��ve decided to go back in time and take a close look at the last 20 green jacket winners, looking at the profile of the victorious golfers, their equipment, and their performance.
After mining 20 years of data, we have been able to identify some recurring trends. We have also used previous outcomes to calculate the most likely profile of the 2023 Masters winner.
Since the very first Masters tournament in 1934, only three debutants have won. This trend is likely to change, though, as the quality of elite golfers is increasing year-on-year. The average age of the last 20 Masters winners is 31 and ? �C which is relatively high for PGA Tour winners. This stat suggests experience is key around Augusta.
Another prominent theme for those looking to don the Green Jacket at the Masters is power off the tee, with a right to left shot shape dominating. This is a draw for most players, but Phil Mickelson and Bubba Watson have won 25% of the last 20 Masters renewals between them. What have they got in common? They are both lefties who can power fade the ball with that required right-to-left shot shape. This is a theme that will largely be neutralised at Augusta over the coming years as the players and their equipment evolves.
The last three Masters winners have all been bombers of the ball, and faders with a strong left-to-right shot shape. These guys can now launch it over the corners of the tree line from the markers on key driving holes at Augusta. Carry distance is further for those equipped with the baby fade or power fade. Dustin Johnson shed a tear after he bombed his way to the Green Jacket in 2020.
We can see from the data that power is still very much a prerequisite for Masters success. The season average driving distance of the last 20 Masters winners was 296.1 yards. This increases to 299.9 if we go from 2013 onwards. Sheffler and Dustin Johnson both eclipsed the 310 yards mark. It’s interesting to note that the Titleist pro V1 is the standout ball of choice. This is the ball renowned for giving players extra carry distance. Half of these Masters Champions had the Pro V in their bag.
13 of the last 20 Masters winners have been US players and 15 have been players from the Americas. There have been two South African winners with Trevor Immelman and Charl Schwartzel donning the Green Jacket at the iconic Butler Cabin. Adam Scott delighted the Aussie fans when he finally got over the major hump in 2013.
It’s TaylorMade who is pushing for the most efficient brand in professional golf in recent times if we are to believe the small data. Four of the last six Masters winners used a TaylorMade driver, with Sergio Garcia and Dustin Johnson also using TaylorMade’s TP5 golf balls. Power hitters tend to be tall golfers and the average height of the last 20 Masters winners is around 6-foot.
Course history is vitally important at Augusta. Big data averages might suggest course history is worth less than 0.1 strokes per hole around this iconic venue but in reality course history and course knowledge at particular venues are worth more. Shane Lowry talked about this when battling to make the cut on the number back in 2020. He was desperate to make the cut to get another two ��practice rounds�� in at the weekend.
You just want to get into the weekend. I want to get two more rounds here just to learn, just to keep learning how to play this place because I don’t quite have it figured out yet. I’m going to get a few more chances to come back here. This weekend is all about learning for me
Shane Lowry
Former Masters winner��s Jordan Spieth and Phil Mickelson��s (3-time winner) course knowledge and figures are arguably the most notable examples of the course knowledge theme in recent years and we can add Bubba Watson (2-time winner) into the mix. Course management is vital if the players want to win the Masters 2023. There’s a premium on approaches and distance control with the mid-to-long irons, with severe elevations in play. Guys will be looking to hit the right segments of the tiered Augusta greens.
We’ve already said length off the tee is a big advantage at Augusta and par 5 performance is huge in terms of key metrics. I wonder if the new TaylorMade Stealth Plus and Stealth Plus 2 drivers will play a part down the stretch at Augusta in 2023? Of the Masters betting market leaders, Rory McIlroy, Scottie Sheffler and Collin Morikawa use this equipment, as does a certain Tiger Woods. Or will it be Jon Rahm’s Paradym Triple Diamond driver from Callaway Golf that gets the job done this year?
The data would say that the winner is likely to be from The United States, but the foreign talent is hard to ignore. Despite the Americans dominating the tournament over the last 20 years, we’re guaranteed to see a bigger variety in winners over the coming years. In fact, the same can likely be said for age and height, too. So we’re going to focus on equipment and skill instead.
Taking this into consideration, maybe it will be Rory McIlroy’s turn to win the Masters and finally complete golf’s major Grand Slam? Rory McIlroy uses the Stealth Plus driver and he launches the TaylorMade TP5X golf ball into orbit using the high draw from the tips that has been so successful at Augusta. He��s also added the fade into his armoury in recent times if needed.
The Irishman is the perfect age for the winning Masters�� profile at 33 and he leads the PGA Tour in driving distance this season with a clip of 326.6 yards from the markers. McIlroy currently ranks 8th in strokes gained approach, 2nd in Par 5 birdies or better and 4th in overall par 5 performance. He rates a 10 out of 10 in my personal course fit PGA data model for approach iron shots from 150-200 yards. His Augusta experience is second to none. It definitely could be the Irishman’s year at Augusta for the Masters 2023 – will we finally see him in the Green Jacket?
Got a strong fancy for the Masters? While most online sportsbooks will take your bets, you should be looking for a golf betting site for the biggest selection of markets and the most favorable odds.
It’s not only the Masters you can bet on. You can also back your favorite for the US Open, The PGA Championship, The Open Championship, and others. Most popular bets include tournament winner, first round leader, and ‘top player’ markets, such as ‘top American’, and ‘top Asian’.
This analysis was created by mining data from the official PGA website and other official golf statistic sources. We looked at the tournament winners of the last 20 years, and calculated averages to create the likely profile of the winner.
You’re welcome to use this analysis, as well as the supporting infographics, but we ask that you link back to this page as a source. For media enquiries, please contact [email protected].
Image credit: The featured image in this article was taken from and is not owned by
]]>To get to the bottom of things, we asked 2,000 US residents about their sleeping habits. The results revealed which cities get the most rest, and which could use an extra trip through the Starbucks’s drive-thru.
It turns out, America��s best sleepers hail from Fort Lauderdale. Respondents living in this city just north of Miami reported a healthy average of 8 hours of sleep per night. Not far behind, Portland, all the way on the other side of the country, came in second at 7.5 hours of slumber each night.
A further fifteen cities, including St. Louis, Fort Worth, San Diego, Kansas City, and Las Vegas, enjoy more than 7 or more hours of sleep nightly; placing them comfortably over the minimum recommendation from the National Institute of Health. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan be damned, Seattle residents aren��t so sleepless, averaging 7.1 hours of nightly shut-eye.
At the other end of the spectrum, America��s most sleep-deprived city is Virginia Beach, where residents report sleeping just 5.3 hours each night. Other cities suffering from? too little sleep include Jackson, Tulsa, Richmond, and Newark.?
Looking at the average night��s sleep per state gives us a bigger picture, and a clearer indication of whether geographical location impacts rest. Some of the cities reporting the highest amounts of sleep don��t perform as well on a state-level. Despite Fort Lauderdale landing in first position in the city rankings, Florida is only in 19th for the amount of sleep on average per state.?
Oregon and Utah share the spoils at the top of the state overview, both with an average of 7.5 hours of sleep per night. Other honorable mentions include Kansas, Maine, Idaho, and Kentucky, all with over 7 hours. States falling below the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night include New Jersey, Illinois, Nevada and New York.
At the very bottom (bunk) of the state rankings is Mississippi, reporting only 5.6 hours of sleep on average per night. Iowa, West Virginia, Hawaii and Delaware all also landed among the bottom five states.
We went on to ask those who reported the lowest levels of sleep what they think the cause is. Of those asked, 54% said stress is the main reason they don��t sleep well.?
Work (12%), poor sleeping environment (11%), and children (7%) were other popular reasons for lack of sleep across survey respondents. Of all 5,000 people surveyed, 74% said they wish they got more sleep.?
If you’re a person that likes to stay up late and also enjoys a hand of blackjack, or a spin on slots, we’ve got good news for you. Every online casino found on is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The best part? If you register at a new casino, you can also bag yourself a welcome bonus that can include a deposit match or some free spins.?
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In March 2023, we surveyed 2,000 Americans across the country. We asked them which city they lived in, and how many hours of sleep they get per night. We were able to use this data to calculate sleep averages across US cities and states.
You are welcome to use this study in your own content, but please be sure to link back to this page and use as your source.
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